How to Find the Real “Nuts Deep” Mentioned in ‘The Pentaverate’

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Home > Television > Stream & Chill > NetflixHow to Find the Real “Nuts Deep” Mentioned in ‘The Pentaverate’

In ‘The Pentaverate,’ our favorite characters find themselves in “Nuts Deep, New York,” but is it actually a real town like in the series?

By Jamie LernerLydia West and Mike Myers in 'The Pentaverate'Source: NetflixLydia West and Mike Myers in 'The Pentaverate'Source: Netflix

The exchange that leads to the Nuts Deep, New York, reveal is truly masterful comedic wordplay.

Lydia West and Mike Myers in 'The Pentaverate'Source: Netflix

Nuts Deep is unfortunately not a real town in New York, but it does exist to a degree.

Nutz Deep barSource: Facebook/@nutzdeepiiwi

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