It Wasn’t Love at First Sight for ‘LPBW’ Stars Amy Roloff and Chris Marek

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Home > Television > Reality TV > TLC > Little People, Big WorldIt Wasn’t Love at First Sight for ‘LPBW’ Stars Amy Roloff and Chris Marek

How did Amy Roloff meet Chris Marek? After Amy and Matt Roloff divorced back in 2016, both have found different partners. Learn more here.

By Toni SuttonAmy Rolff and Chris MarekSource: Instagram/@amyjroloffAmy Roloff and Chris MarekSource: Instagram/@amyjroloff

How did Amy Roloff meet Chris Marek?

Amy Roloff and Chris Marek married on Aug. 28, 2021 — and their wedding was filmed for ‘Little People, Big World.’

Amy Roloff and Chris MarekSource: Instagram/@amyjroloff

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