What Happened to Timothy White? He Was Also Abducted With Steven Stayner

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Home > Television > Stream & Chill > HuluWhat Happened to Timothy White? He Was Also Abducted With Steven Stayner

Hulu’s ‘Captive Audience’ shows that Steven Stayner was abducted, but escaped years later with fellow abductee Timothy White. Where is Timmy now?

By Kelly CorbettSteven Stayner and Timothy WhiteSource: Hulu

Steven Stayner and Timothy White were both abducted in broad daylight by Kenneth Parnell.

Steven StaynerSource: Hulu

Steven Stayner was abducted at age 7.

Timothy White went missing in 1980 in Ukiah, Calif.

Steven Stayner and Timothy WhiteSource: Hulu

Steven Stayner and Timothy White in 1980 after escaping from Kenneth Parnell.

Kenneth Parnell in courtSource: YouTube/this is MONSTERS

Kenneth Parnell in court.

Timothy White died at age 35.

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